Hippolyte Gallery, Helsinki
30 April- 30May 2014
Hanna Ljungh’s work often circles around dominant concepts of interpretation. In her work she questions ideas about science and how the human gaze forms all that is not man made. Ljungh investigates hierarchies within this value system. In her most recent work, Vivisections, she uses staged investigations, such as the geological excavation, where a scientific subject matter gets treated with subjective motives. Ljungh works in a fashion where her images become a performance or evidence of a performance or ritual. The Vivisections are made up of recycled building material, spray paint and personal belongings. The works can be seen as a planned investigation of something that is both memory and factual - past and present. The Vivisections balance on the border between scientific studies and personal stratifications.
At Hippolyte gallery Ljungh is showing new photographic works in the Vivisections series where she has developed the ritual and subjective part of the work further by obstructing the investigation at hand. Ljungh is also showing the new sculptures Specimens 1, 4 and 5 (Temporary totems of time).